Sunday, October 28, 2007



My life is 75% Corrupted.. thought of I could still could carry on although of my family.. as you know.. but looks like friends still cant be my happiness.. One by one leaving me.. as if I not even existed.. what the hell wrong did I had done?.. It this a punishment to me?.. I really dont know..

Sadness and Sorrow..

Posted by LoGiCaL at 11:17:00 PM

Friday, October 26, 2007


Well.. felt kinda of sad... dunno why.. mind keep turning me to the word 'sad'..

Hmm.. just came back from home.. bathed.. now waiting for thomas, Clan Leader, with the game started...

Today school was pretty long.. 10am to 5pm with only one break.. 2 hours of lecture and 4 hours of lab.. well.. time going fast as well.. after that having work at Eatzi.. it was like long time didnt work there.. kinda of missing.. but when think of work.. will feel very sianz.. haha.. Saturday gonna work full shift and the next day split shift.. hate split shift loh.. had to wait for 2.5 hours during my break...

Tomorrow is my CDS day.. Understanding Theatre.. which is quite a interest to me ba.. maybe only.. gonna see how tomorrow.. haha.. attend lesson from 10am to 1pm.. and trying to figure out where can I go next.. lol..

Posted by LoGiCaL at 12:05:00 AM

Monday, October 22, 2007

Lectures.. Tutorial.. Lab..

Well.. first thing got to said.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to JUSTIN.. maybe your wish come true.. finally another 18 years old guy.. lol..

Suppose to post this before 12am de.. but came back home late.. so well.. you know ah..

The whole morning trying to look for people to go out.. today is my last day of holidays.. just wanna use this day well.. and get my butt off to study world..

Well.. didnt manage to get anyone.. so went to find shen rui.. didi which is twice size bigger than me(no offence).. lol.. the only one who can accompany me the whole day.. well.. went to play snooker.. well.. playing with a school team player.. of coz I lose... lol..

He was suppose to go help his parent with the stall.. end up didnt go.. well.. got to say sorry to him.. make him stay and get him scolding from his parent.. so I treated him Ben and Jerry for that.. lol.. went to Whitesand to make my nebo tapz card(for Zone X).. which I could get extra amount when I topping up the card.. so I could lend Kenvin the card to help him save money.. lol..

After that went to Lounge at Downtown East.. get a jug of Carlsberg.. playing darts.. dice.. then went to arcade.. then sit at Mcdonald chat... want to take bus back home.. well ends up taking cab... miss that last bus..

Yesterday.. went out with Kenvin.. suppose to meet him at 4pm at Bugis.. but end up late for 1 and a half hour.. which made him pissed like hell.. lol.. got no choice give him a treat.. lol.. went to Pastamania for dinner.. with Qinyi and his boyfriend too.. after that just shop around.. then arcade again.. lol.. and had desert at Swensen.. and off back home after meeting mun..

Finally I had finish my temp job at ICICI bank.. doing admin work is not that easy ah.. alway thought that admin work is very relaxing and slacking... is not true at all loh.. well.. what I want to say is working is very tiring.. how I wish I could sit at home and wait income to come in... lol.. that was god damn impossible..
(Papers.. Papers.. Papers..)

(And more Papers.. And more more Papers)

(Was boring.. coz waiting for work to do.. so playing with this tags.. lol)

(Sianz.. lol)

Lastly.. school start tomorrow.. which is 8 hours from now.. new subjects... new timetable.. new notes.. oh.. I still haven print my notes and my important time-table.. gonna get it done when I wake up.. hehe.. as always I can be.. Last minute guy..

And also I changed my blog song to If that's ok with you by Shayne Ward.. so do check it out.. its a nice song..

That all for today.. gonna get to sleep.. if not gonna doze in lectures liao..

(Nitez.. :)..)

sign off

Posted by LoGiCaL at 1:34:00 AM

Monday, October 15, 2007

Resident Evil cum First day of work..

Just eaten my dinner.. quite late hor..

Today is my first day of work at ICICI bank.. 50 storey at Republic Plaza.. the way of taking the life up to 50 storey like how planes departing or landing.. lol.. you can feel something on your ear.. felt like my ears is suffocating.. lol.. work is damn simply easy.. just had to search, highlight all, copy, paste and print.. eat rite?.. gonna do this for 5,000 times ah.. lol.. left 3900++ to do.. hopefully could finish by Friday.. first day of work kana OT liao.. lol.. surppose to work till 6pm de.. end up till 9pm..

During work.. my phone rang.. call from Eatzi.. Olive told me I'm surppose to work today.. I was so shock hearing that.. cause I didnt know.. I asked her for my schedule.. she told me I'm working today and tomorrow.. so I'm got no choice as I'm working.. gonna told her I couldnt come.. felt kinda guilty.. sign.. but tomorrow will be going to work.. will be late.. but at least I going.. kinda quite rush tomorrow..

Amelia from Recruit Express called me today.. told me that I had not yet signed the time sheet before I pass to her... so tomorrow I'm gonna to Orchard Taka at 830am.. sign the time sheet and went to work at ICICI bank at 9am.. then off to work at Eatzi at 630pm.. tomorrow will be a damn busy and tiring day for me..

Hmm.. last Saturday.. went movie with Kenvin.. it was two of us again.. that Joel and Yijun don't want to go.. while other seen that show le.. was suppose to go out with mun they all de.. but some of them no money.. watch show at 845pm.. plenty of time for us to eat.. and also went to find Qinyi.. walk from Cine to Wheel Lock loh.. she never even say a thank you... lol.. cold-heart one.. haha..

Hmm.. Resident Evil.. I would say nice but is like nothing interesting leh.. or I would say there only little parts of fighting.. this show only suits for those who were fans of Resident Evil lots.. thought this only was the last part of Resident Evil.. but there still more movie coming up.. well.. I would rate 4/5.. other than the graphic is far much nicer than the part 1 and 2.. without this episode.. I don't think the next few episode of Resident Evil will be even nicer.. it is just like the same as Harry Potter..

After movie, nothing we can do.. so we went home.. but I didnt.. went to mun house play Mahjiong overnight again.. this time round at least better.. I lost 1.90.. which is cost one Prata and one Teh.. last time was 2.. which can buy one Doublecheese at Mcdonald liao.. lol... played from 11+pm to 8+am.. lol.. went home play one round of Dota and off to sleep liao..

So I slept at 10am.. woke up at 230pm.. then went to meet mun at 3pm.. waited for 1.5hour for them to reach.. that was pretty long dey.. lol.. went to temple to pray.. then off to meet my parent at TM..

Was damn tiring now.. wanted to watch Prison Break later de... but think next time ba.. need to go sleep le.. tomorrow gonna wake up at 630am.. and leave at 730am..

(Pillow fights during our Chalet.. lol)

sign off

Posted by LoGiCaL at 10:34:00 PM

Saturday, October 13, 2007



Hmm.. first thing.. I AM TOTALLY OUT OF MY FREAKING JOB... lol.. if not I'm gonna be traumatized by calling people through phone.. so don't ever called me to do a job associate with phones please... lol..

Just came back from Tampines Mall's Mcdonald.. slacking over there.. before that was at Interchange's Mcdonald.. but somehow walking around then back to Mcdonald again.. lol.. more before that was at the Abacus building.. drinking Carlsberg.. lol.. and more before that I was at Raffles place.. going to sign my contract again from Recruit Express.. got another job at Republic Plaza.. A business district worz.. don't play play ah.. first time gonna wear formal to work.. lol..

Hmm.. 10Oct2007... it our Morons 6's Chalet.. a memorable one.. we had bbq, card game, pillow fights, watching horror show and sleep.. Well, Qinyi is the first to sleep ah.. no fun de.. lol.. me the day gonna work also never sleep much.. at least her boyfriend can be social.. lol.. and also thanks to his music.. Michael.. was emoing leh.. lol.. thanks also for setting up the fire.. Joel.. the only one who staying up late with me.. well.. you got your promise yo.. Yijun.. you drink?.. oh my god.. lol.. I was about afraid of my body.. lol.. don't emo leh.. Kenvin.. the one and the only one who stay at the chalet the most.. that is really making the chalet lifely.. I like that.. lol.. Overall, is was fun.. :DD

Got myself a hair cut... is really damn short.. well.. that show I'm a guai kia ma.. lol..

Changed my blog's music to Ayo Technology by 50 Cent ft. Justin Timberlake.. erm.. is not a full song yet.. still waiting for people to post the full version..

Hmm.. tomorrow maybe going out.. or either on Sunday.. going to Orchard to pass my time sheet.. and watching movie.. so long never watch movie with my friends le..
(Working as a tele-surveyor is
(During Michael's Chalet)

(Playing with sparkling during Michael's Chalet)

Disapointment.. I didnt expected that YOU would actually call a FIGHT with a 4 YEARS of friendship.. what the hell in your mind is doing?.. look at your state.. you actually hurt people feeling already.. and you still would want to call a fight?.. that not only the case.. YOU would actually CALL your colleague to help you.. wa.. getting doubts on your that company.. izzit some kind of gangsters or what.. sadded..

sign off

Posted by LoGiCaL at 1:39:00 AM

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Well.. just came back from Michael's chalet.. which is his birthday party.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you.. Mic.. 19 already hor.. da ge liao.. lol.. nvm.. i gonna catch up soon... haha..

Well work is getting boring and boring and boring liao.. nvm.. still got one more week to go.. perserve...

Just got a bad news from my mom.. that one of my relative passed away.. sadded... although I'm not very closed to him.. but his still my relative.. tml will be going off early..

And also tml will be having final year exam to some of my friends.. all the best ya.. good luck.. :D

Posted by LoGiCaL at 10:57:00 PM

Friday, October 5, 2007


It my second day of my temp job.. damn sad man.. although my job is very simple.. just have to sit on the chair make phone calls.. but from 12pm till 9pm.. cant even get a simple survey done.. is like what the f***.. haiz.. people just either say busy right now.. or not interested..

And we also giving away $10 voucher to those who finsh the whole survey.. but you first must qualify that survey.. must age between 31 and 40.. and your monthly income must be above 8K.. well so it must be someone rich.. duh.. lol.. so if you do.. please tell me.. help me doing that simple survery.. lent me 20mins from you.. please... please... and please...

Posted by LoGiCaL at 11:02:00 PM

Thursday, October 4, 2007

New Job!!

Haizz.. having insomnia again.. sleepness nights.. how can it be stop??.. i tired of it..

Gonna work later.. which is my new job.. at odeon tower.. as temp tele-surveyor till next sun.. which mean i gonna go late to mic chalet.. well, sry mic.. as u said work is important.. haha.. but for our chalet will be getting off.. and gonna work next day.. which mean i wont get sleep.. well the place was at somewhere between bugis and city hall.. gonna take bus.. dun wanna waste cash on ez-link.. as i got bus concession.. and also got direct bus.. hehe.. but journey gonna take 1.5 hour.. which mean my butt gonna scarifice for that.. lol..

Having flu and sore-throat for 2days liao.. but heng coz my voice didnt change.. if how am i going to get the survey done.. so been keep drinking coke with salt.. to keep my throat well.. my mom oso having sore-throat.. her voice changed.. hope she gonna be fine.. well she will be fine..

Been yawning for last night till now.. i think i gonna sleep in bus le.. make sure i dun miss the stop.. lol.. didnt want to be late for my first day... haha.. all the best to me.. :D

Posted by LoGiCaL at 9:30:00 AM

Tuesday, October 2, 2007



I couldnt sleep yet.. coz my hair is still wet after my bath.. i just came back from mun hse.. i had 'ton' the whole night just playing mahjiong..

Going his hse at 10 plus.. 12 start playing first game.. total played 3 games.. which is 12 rounds.. until 7plus.. then out for my breakfast or rather supper?.. lol.. then come back le.. well, im lost 2bucks just for the game.. that mean alot le eh.. can get me $2 meal from mcdonald breakfast liao.. lol..

And i gonna work later at 630pm.. so trying to get my hair dry up and i can get to my sweet dreams... zzzz....

Posted by LoGiCaL at 8:34:00 AM

Monday, October 1, 2007



Kinda of boring.. so came here to say sth.. lol... been working for on this day.. and tml it my off day.. and i could relax.. joel call me out tml.. well, gonna see first ba...

Today got my finger cut... and bleeding like hell.. cant stop it sia.. lol.. it like so funny of how i being cut.. i was trying to throw that bottle of tomato sauce to the dustbin but i dropped it.. the top part was broke.. so i concentrating myself not to get hurt.. and slowly pick it up.. i throw it back to the bin.. but it drop again.. was damn angry liao.. lol.. then i pick up again and throw again.. it DROP AGAIN.. and i trying to catch it back.. and that goes my blood.. lol..

Thx to surya.. for helping me with my wound..

Haiz... this few days also dunno wat am i thinking of.. worrying of.. just felt that sth is not right..

Hmm.. dunno tml wat to do leh... should be staying at home ba..

Posted by LoGiCaL at 12:04:00 AM